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Flyer & Poster

Our goal is  to show  that  with the right access to accurate, up to date resources,  information and  facts anyone and everyone  can simply and politely decline giving their consent for any further  harmful chemicals to be applied . 


When concerns were initially raised in Balerno,  a petition was launched. We found certain leaflets and posters were very helpful to raise awareness .

Below are posters and leaflets created or used by the Pesticide Free Balerno Team that can be edited / adapted to suit.

Dog walkers , mums , dads & carers
Did you know 
Mütter, Väter, Großeltern und Betreuer 
Rette die Biene und sei frei von Pestiziden
Weedingtech Foamstream
Freiwillige Unkrautbekämpfungsgruppe
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