October 2024
Bayer (German pharmaceutical company that makes weedkiller Round up) must pay $78 MILLION to a Pennsylvania man that developed cancer as a result of glyphosate exposure
William developed a type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma due to exposure to glyphosate, the active component in Roundup

Bayer was found at fault for knowingly marketing a product where the active ingredient glyphosate could be dangerous…
No amount of money can ever compensate these brave individuals who were not allowed to make an informed decision using full facts , for their own health on the known risks
It is now too late , as irreversible damage has been done to their health.
They trusted the product was ‘safe’. Their time cannot be bought back but litigation serves to hold companies to account who ignore raised concerns and help raises worldwide awareness.
Thankful not in Balerno since 2020 but ,Isn’t crazy to think in 2024 our council still uses glyphosate for weed control
To read the full article click the link below