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Its just a little bit ...

August 2024

Pesticides can cause harmful effects  on our health & the environment over an extended period usually following repeated exposures even at low levels.

Effects are not always  immediate , but some effects are cumulative and build up over time, accumulative  exposure can cause very serious illnesses.

Long term pesticide exposure has been linked to the development of

Parkinson’s, asthma, respiratory problems, depression, anxiety, ADHD, and cancer, including leukaemia and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Children are physically closer to the ground, more likely to spend time in  parks, playgrounds & green spaces & are more likely to sit, lie or play on the ground come into close contact with freshly applied pesticides without knowing

Dogs &  cats are more vulnerable due to their proximity to the ground, their investigative nature, and unprotected paws. Pets can come in close contact by digging, sniffing, licking, & eating unknown objects.

Thankfully in Balerno since 2020 pesticide use has stopped and in Edinburgh from  this year  , Edinburgh council have stopped applying pesticides to council parks & council schools for weedcontrol


Made by Pesticide Free Balerno.

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