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Anyone who tells you Glyphosate is safe & effective is lying...

September 2024

Most people today are just too overwhelmed  to look at one more problem , especially an issue that has been accepted as ‘normal’  over the years such as glyphosate use for weedcontrol ...

Many government employees , politicians , MPs, council officers and council workers know or have chosen to ignore the harmful effects of Glyphosate on health & environment , simply following the establishments line , which ultimately helps to protect continued use...

At the beginning of Pesticide Free Balerno when health and environmental concerns were first raised by Balerno residents , decision makers were quick to 'reassure' us that glyphosate for weed control was 'nothing to worry about …' We were also told no one else had ever raised the issue …. Hmmmm

After hearing countless stories of peoples personal experiences of the negative affects from Glyphosate and reading the independent free from vested interest studies it was blatantly obvious that Glyphosate is neither safe of effective

Well it is …but only if kept tightly in the bottle …

You could always ask those who claim otherwise to sign a note confirming what they have told you, confirming glyphosate is safe & effective , & that they will take personal responsibility for any Ill effects  caused.

You may notice their enthusiasm for Glyphosate use will suddenly diminish1

See science / data on Pesticide Free Balerno website under resources then useful date


Made by Pesticide Free Balerno.

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