August 2024
From this year 2024 Edinburgh Council will no longer be applying glyphosate around / in Edinburgh council schools and parks for weedcontrol
This may seem like 'amazing news' and yes it is great ,however it is hard to be thankful for something that never should have been done in the first place!!This is long overdue.

Children spend so much time in school areas like parks, playgrounds & green spaces & are more likely to sit, lie or play on the ground , accidentally coming into close contact with freshly applied pesticides without even knowing …
This change will no doubt only have a positive effect on Edinburgh’s school childrens health and local environment
Balernos local schools have been Pesticide Free since 2020 , the council have supported using manually strimming methods , we wonder what safe alternative will be used city wide
For those out with Edinburgh, it may be hard to believe but your child’s school may still be having routine pesticide applications to treat the weeds on school grounds …
But this can easily be stopped
If you do not object to this , decision makers take as your acceptance !!
School template letter